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Astragalus Root

Membrana ceous

Huang Qi

Heart Chakra

Root Chakra

SKU: 121 Category:



Blend with Dong Quai for greater affect.

Breast Health – Increases circulation to the surface of the skin, enabling greater blood flow to clear out toxins and heat, a lymphatic tonic, restores immune function in immunosuppressed conditions.

Burns – This herb is used in China to speed to healing of burns, bolsters immune function, prevents infection by viruses and bacteria, the increase in circulation, facilitating removal of burn toxins and heat.

Cancer – Amazing energy tonic, equivalent to ginseng, useful for exhaustion, normalizes immune function, tones the liver, has a diuretic action, increases numerous cancer-fighting immune cells and chemicals, tremendous help after radiation and chemotherapy, shows better bone marrow and immune system recovery.

Cold & Flu – Boosts  immune system, increases T cells, protects against viruses, protects the heart from viral infection (i.e. cocksackie-B virus), reduces duration and frequency of colds, if taken prior to the season.

Ear Infection – Antiviral, antibacterial herb for shortening duration of acute infection, taken on a long term bases to strengthen immune system, increases T cells to prevent recurring infection, safe and effective for children.

Fatigue – for general weakness of fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, adaptogenic herb that stimulates immune function, improves stamina, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial effects, good for flu, cold, strengthens people with cancer, after radiation and chemotherapy.

Fibromyalgia – Improves immune function of spleen and thymus, improves energy, promotes overall resistance to sickness, infection, tones liver, resolves degenerative disease from chronic physical/emotion stress.

Immune weakness – Powerful tonic and immune strengthener, increases T cells, killer cells, interferon, increases resistance to infection, flu; speeds recovery time, excellent in hepititis, AIDS, colds, viral disease, fevers, chronic fatigue, repeated infections, bronchitis, improves circulation.



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